Stephan-Xavier Trano

Stephan Trano (b. February 1, 1969, in France) is a French journalist, essayist and writer based in Chicago, Illinois.

Trano has authored two biographies on Francois Mitterrand, the first entitled “Mitterrand, Les Amis D’abord” exploring the former French President’s views on friendship and politics; and the second “Une Affaire d’Amitie” focusing on Mitterand's family, and particularly on his long-hidden daughter Mazarine Pingeot (who recently renamed herself Mazarine Pingeot-Mitterrand). Pingeot-Mitterand had never spoken publicly about her father before she met Trano. The preface of “Une Affaire d’Amitie” was written by Jean Lacouture, the biographer of General Charles de Gaulle.

At the age of 18, his first news articles appeared in the weekly magazine Le Nouvel Observateur (The New Observer), a publication founded in 1950 by philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre in conjunction with former members of the French Resistance movement. He first began as a celebrity lifestyles reporter but soon thereafter became a specialist in political journalism.

From 1991 to 1996, Trano served as Chief Political Editor of the weekly Tribune Juive (Jewish Tribune). Recognized for his accomplishments and ability by the French intellectual community, he became highly sought after by several major publications to report on controversial issues of public interest.

In 1996, Trano became the first Jewish journalist to work under dual Middle East leadership - comprised of Palestinian National Authority and Israeli supervision - after being appointed as Chief Editor of the short-lived Palestinian Economic Newsletter. This monthly publication aimed to promote economic development in the Gaza Strip and West Bank in accordance with the Oslo Accords of 1993. With a circulation of 15,000, it was published in English, French and Arabic.[1] Yasser Arafat wrote the editorial for the first issue of the Palestinian Economic Newsletter when it was published in June, 1996.[2] The Palestinian Economic Newsletter was published for seven months.

Trano has served in a multitude of prominent political advisory roles such as:

In 2005-2006, Trano was Director of Communications for Jack Lang, current NATO-based French anti-piracy expert and French Secretary of Culture and Communications from 1981-1995.

He has received increasing attention for his contributions to public debate by questioning through many columns:

His work has been often quoted by experts:


Other contributions

Culture de la Mémoire, Culture du Malheur, (Culture of Memory, Culture of Woe), Tribune, April 29, 1995
Le Bon Juif selon Le Pen, (The Good Jew According to Le Pen) - Tribune, June 16, 1995
Commémorer d'autres Génocides, (Commemorating Other Genocides), Tribune, January 26, 1995
En finir avec la Paix des dupes, (Ending the Peace Dupes), Tribune, October 1, 1997
Israël doit trouver les mots (Israel Must Find the Words), Tribune, November 4, 2000
Le trouble des Juifs de France, de Jean-Michel Dumay, (The Turmoil of the Jews of France, by Jean-Michel Dumay), September 24, 1993

On the web

Spécialiste cherche mission rémunérée pour rédaction de Rapport, salaire supérieur au S.M.I.C
Qui sera le dernier mort de François Mitterrand?
Ce que veulent les Français: le comique de répétition de nos Politiques
Le défi de Ségolène Royal et François Hollande aux Socialistes

Citations and references about the author

Israel and Palestine

L'Oreal Legal Case

Remembrance of Jewish History

Francois Mitterrand


In English

When Henry Met Francoise, with Valerie Monchi, July 2, 1993.
Jewish Voters Face Thorny Dilemma, with Valerie Monchi, April 28, 1995.
The Mitterrand Years: A Decade of "Ambiguous" Middle-East Policy, with Valerie Monchi, March 26, 1993.
Mitterrand's Vichyst Past: A New Facet in a Complex History with Jews, by Valerie Monchi, September 30, 1994.
"Stupid Mistake" Leads to "Dachau" Knickers, by Stéphane Trano, October 7, 1994.



International Federation of Journalists
Society of Professional Journalists
National Writers Union
American Civil Liberties Union
American Society of Access Professionals


  1. ^ "Arafat aides launch new bid for foreign investors" (Press release). Reuters World News Agency - France. June 20, 1996. Retrieved June 15, 2011. 
  2. ^ {{"Having followed the course of this periodical, I believe it reflects all that is happening on an economic level in our country, our plans and projects with the World Bank, the donor countries and our Israeli neighbors, anxious to attain a healthy economy in a climate of freedom and security".}}